domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Unified Embedded Parallel Finite Element Computations via Software-Based Frechet Differentiation

Unified Embedded Parallel Finite Element Computations via Software-Based Frechet Differentiation: "Kevin Long, Robert Kirby, and Bart van Bloemen Waanders

Computational analysis of systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) requires not only the calculation of a solution but the extraction of additional information such as the sensitivity of that solution with respect to input parameters or the inversion of the system in an optimizatio ... [SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 32, 3323 (2010)] published Wed Nov 17, 2010."

Scalable Direct Vlasov Solver with Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Unstructured Mesh

Scalable Direct Vlasov Solver with Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Unstructured Mesh: "J. Xu, P. N. Ostroumov, B. Mustapha, and J. Nolen

This paper presents the development of parallel direct Vlasov solvers with discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for beam and plasma simulations in four dimensions. Both physical and velocity spaces are in two dimesions (2P2V) with unstructured mesh. Contrary to the standard particle-in-cell (PIC) app ... [SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 32, 3476 (2010)] published Thu Dec 2, 2010."
A few Lie algebras and their applications for generating integrable hierarchies of evolution types
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