viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

Quantum Computing with Superqubits. (arXiv:1001.3753v1 [hep-th])

We analyze some aspects of quantum computing with super-qubits (squbits). We
propose the analogue of a superfield formalism, and give a physical
interpretation for the Grassmann coefficients in the squbit expansion as
fermionic creation operators of an auxiliary quantum system. In the simplest
case the squbit is a superposition of one Bose X Bose and one Fermi X Fermi
state, and its norm is invariant under a U(2) group realized with
Clifford-valued matrices. This case can be generalized to a superposition of
n_B bosonic and n_F fermionic states, with a norm invariant under U(n_B + n_F).
Entanglement between squbits, super quantum gates and teleportation are

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