domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

Finite element error estimates for 3D exterior incompressible flow with nonzero velocity at infinity

Birkhoff normal form for splitting methods applied to semilinear Hamiltonian PDEs. Part I. Finite-dimensional discretization

A finite element method for surface PDEs: matrix properties

Abstract  We consider a recently introduced new finite element approach for the discretization of elliptic partial differential equations
on surfaces. The main idea of this method is to use finite element spaces that are induced by triangulations of an “outer”
domain to discretize the partial differential equation on the surface. The method is particularly suitable for problems in
which there is a coupling with a problem in an outer domain that contains the surface, for example, two-phase flow problems.
It has been proved that the method has optimal order of convergence both in the H
1 and in the L
2-norm. In this paper, we address linear algebra aspects of this new finite element method. In particular the conditioning
of the mass and stiffness matrix is investigated. For the two-dimensional case we present an analysis which proves that the
(effective) spectral condition number of the diagonally scaled mass matrix and the diagonally scaled stiffness matrix behaves
like h
−3| ln h| and h
−2| ln h|, respectively, where h is the mesh size of the outer triangulation.

Continuous two-step Runge–Kutta methods for ordinary differential equations